
Finding local people

When moving to a new area it is not always easy to get in contact with the local people. Perhaps also due to the language barrier. If you are looking to learn German or improve your German, the best way is to pracitice the language with the local people.

For this purpose, if you are pregnant or have small children ages 0-3 years old, the Familycentre has a Parent meet-up or „Krabbelgruppe“ on Mondays from 9:00-10:30 and on Tuesdays from 10:00 – 12:00. It is free of charge without prior registration. All information can be found here.

Otherwise joining a sport club, cultural club, choir ect is a great way to meet local people and practice some german! We gladly put you in contact with whatever hobby you would like to pursue. Please check the list of local clubs.